Name That Tune

2020-05-17 3 min read

I wasn’t sure what to write about today. I didn’t want anything long, but I wanted an actual post as well. So, I decided to write up a little explanation of a game my family and I have been playing remotely!

For the past few weeks, at least once per week, my family and I have been playing Name That Tune via Zoom. The general setup and rules are simple:

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A Quiet Night In

2020-05-15 1 min read

It’s Friday. Pre-COVID-19 that would normally mean a normal to slightly-longer than normal workday, followed by grocery shopping, and some down time. So what does it mean in a post-COVID-19 world?

Well, pretty much the same, just with a few tweaks. It’s still work most of the day, just from home instead of the office (most weeks). Then, mid- to late-afternoon, I head to the other side of town to do grocery shopping. And finally, down time at home, by myself.

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Moving a Git Submodule

2020-05-14 1 min read

A coworker asked me a question this evening about how to move a Git submodule to a sub-directory, and as it’s something I’ve had to look up multiple times in the past, I decided it would be good to post it here for easy lookup in the future.

How to move a Git submodule to a sub-directory

  1. Delete the submodule reference from .gitmodules (normally 3 lines)
  2. Check .git/config for references to the submodule and remove them, if they exist
  3. Run git rm --cached <submodule name> to remove the submodule reference from the repository
  4. Remove the old submodule folder
  5. Recreate your submodule reference with git submodule add <git repo url> <local path>

I’m publishing this as part of 100 Days To Offload (Day 20/100). You can join in yourself by visiting

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100 Days and Over-Saturation

2020-05-13 2 min read

Earlier today, Kev posted an update to the #100DaysToOffload challenge on his blog. The TL;DR version is that, for reasons that make sense to me, and I generally agree with, instead of 100 posts in 100 days, the challenge will now be 100 posts in a year.

So, what does that mean for my own blog?

My current plan is to continue with the challenge, and specifically with the 100 days/100 posts version. While it is true that only a handful of the posts end up being of much quality, I’ve noticed that I am thinking about blogging more throughout my day, and I think that in general the habit that I’m forming of at least attempting to write a post a day is good for me.

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Thoughts from Antigone

2020-05-11 2 min read

I had grand plans today on what I wanted to write about. It was going to be an impressive post all about the power of clarifying what it is you’re trying to accomplish, and the tools I personally use. However, while I’ve started work on that, I simply do not have the energy to write that post this evening.

So… what am I posting instead? How about a few of my favorite quotes from Antigone by Sophocles that I just re-discovered earlier today while transferring my notes on the play to my personal wiki?

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Initial Thoughts on a Personal Wiki

2020-05-10 4 min read

Approximately two weeks ago, I wrote a blog post where I mentioned that I was interested in setting up a personal wiki, or something similar, as a way to keep an online commonplace book. I’ve been taking notes on the idea ever since, and today, I finally decided to give it a try.


I had a few different requirements.

  1. Easy to maintain & use
  2. Markdown support
  3. Accessible and editable on all devices
  4. Web-based, so that I’m not handling syncing between devices
  5. FOSS

Enter Wiki.js

After a decent amount of research, where I looked at pretty much every FOSS solution for a personal wiki, I settled on Wiki.js. There were a couple of features that lured me in.

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Distractions and Time Tracking

2020-05-09 3 min read

Do you ever that weird feeling at the end of the day, when you know you were extremely busy, but you can’t point to any one thing you accomplished? Or do you occasionally wonder where all of your time has gone, and what the distractions were that kept you from accomplishing your tasks & goals?

As someone who loves studying productivity and ways to improve myself, those thoughts come up frequently. As in, on a more-than-once-a-week basis. When the thoughts reach a critical peak I generally try to do something about it, and improve my productivity. Sometimes my changes stick; sometimes they don’t.

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