Early to Bed, Early to Rise

2020-06-30 2 min read

“Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise.” Benjamin Franklin

“It is well to be up before daybreak, for such habits contribute to health, wealth, and wisdom.” Aristotle

For some reason, both of the above quotes have been cycling through my head this evening. I’m not sure what reminded me of them, but as I have mentioned before, I tend to practice the habit of both rising early (around 4 a.m.), and going to bed early (by 9:30 p.m.).

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Movie of the Weekend: 21

2020-06-28 1 min read

I don’t tend to watch a ton of movies. In all honesty, it’s because I have a hard time sitting still and just watching something. But, this weekend, I was struggling to concentrate on other projects, and so… I watched a movie.

Which movie? 21. It’s the story of a group of card counters from MIT. I recall reading about the story it’s based on in the news years ago, and while I’ve been aware of this movie, I never got around to watching it till now.

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It's Friday

2020-06-26 1 min read

Short blog today. For some reason, I’ve had very little motivation. Not entirely sure why. I’ve tried a few things to get myself “in gear” to work on projects, and nothing has worked well yet. So, basically doing the minimum today, and planning to push again tomorrow.

Until then, here’s a song that’s currently on repeat in my head. Enjoy!

I’m publishing this as part of 100 Days To Offload (Day 63/100). You can join in yourself by visiting https://100DaysToOffload.com.

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Haircut #2 Post-Isolation

2020-06-25 1 min read

Anyone who knows me knows that I like routine. And one of those routines, for many years now, has been a haircut every 2 weeks (occasionally slips to 3 around a holiday). Today was my second haircut post-isolation, meaning that I’m back to my normal schedule.

Why so often? Simple: it’s one less thing for me to think about.

I’ve learned (slowly) that the more things I can put on “default”, and not have to think about, the more I can focus on work, and other things in life. And for me, having my hair at virtually the same length at all times is one of those things. Is it minor? Sure. But I like never having to think about what my hair is going to look like. It’s always the same length, and I always do the same thing to it every morning.

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Know a Little More

2020-06-24 1 min read

There’s a new podcast out from Tom Merritt, one of the hosts of Daily Tech News Show, entitled “Know a Little More“. Each episode is a short deep-dive into a specific topic (ex: 5G). I’ve been quite enjoying it, even as someone in the tech industry who has a general knowledge of most topics (or so I like to think).

Due in part to the recent announcements by Apple, there will be an ARM episode in the public feed in the next few days, which I highly recommend listening to as a quick overview. So… check it out!

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Philosophy: Who Needs It

2020-06-22 2 min read

I have a habit of reading before bed. Sometimes I pick up a fantasy novel. Other times I read a cartoon, or something else that requires very little concentration. And sometimes, I challenge myself… as I did last night, when I started reading “Philosophy: Who Needs It” by Ayn Rand.

I wasn’t entirely sure what to expect, but after the first chapter, I already had a lot to think on. Favorite quotes/thoughts so far:

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Things That Work: Firefox

2020-06-21 3 min read

I’ve used a number of different browsers over the years. In fact, I’ve used more browsers than I realized, once I started compiling idea for this post.

When I first started using computers, my primary browser was Internet Explorer. I don’t recall exactly what year this was, but it was prior to the advent of Firefox and Chrome. And for years, that’s what I used. I vaguely recall using Netscape Navigator, actually, at one point, but I don’t think it ever stuck.

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