Seconding the Call to Blog More Often

2024-12-03 2 min read

Consistency is a common challenge for bloggers.

Blog consistently and your followers will look forward to reading your posts. Blog infrequently and your readers will forget about you.

This evening while browsing my RSS reader (Fiery Feeds, for those interested), I ran across A Call to Blog More Often by Cole, which is quoted above, and wanted to second his call, and add my two cents to the conversation.

Outside of a few news sites, blogs are one of the primary forms of written content that I follow online. Bloggers are often where I get ideas for new personal projects, books to read, places to visit, or interesting ideas to consider. I’ve constantly grown the number of blog feeds I subscribe to over the years, and there are certain individuals whose content I’m excited to read every time I see a new post in feed reader.

Personally, I’ve attempted to write more often, but consistency is still a struggle. Much of my recent work on this site has been with the express purpose of making my interactions with the site and its content more engaging for me, to increase my desire to post more consistently.

So, I second Cole’s call. Blog more often, and with consistency. Your readers, such as myself, will greatly enjoy and appreciate it!

Note: I’ve written about my love of RSS feeds here, and if you’re new to the concept, I highly recommend taking a look. RSS feeds aren’t new tech, but are still an amazing way to consume content at your own pace, and without the distractions much of the modern web seems to contain.