Last week I referenced to trippy, a handy networking tool that I had run across but hadn’t had a use for yet. This week I ended up having a use case… and I can definitely report that it’s handy for tracking down routing issues!
Mid-week, I got annoyed at the amount of effort that I was putting into OmniFocus, and reverted to using Todoist. In general I like a lot of features of OmniFocus more, but it has a few extra steps required for virtually every action I want to do, and it doesn’t feel fast on my iPhone. Todoist both has features I don’t want, and is missing features I’d like, but it works at the speed I think, and more often gets out of my way. We’ll see how long this lasts before I’m tempted by another tool again. 😂
On Saturday, I decided to quit using a self-hosted FreshRSS instance for my RSS aggregator, and migrate to Newsblur. It costs about half as much as what my DigitalOcean droplet was costing me to run FreshRSS, works at least as well (if not better), and reduces the number of computers that I’m managing. And in the grand scheme of things, I’m not sure that I care if I self-host my RSS aggregator. It’s a cool thing to say “I did it”, but I don’t think it provides me many benefits presently.
I haven’t actually tried this yet, but after trying the Vision Pro a few weeks ago, I am convinced that capturing photos & video for a future where I use one is a worthwhile endeavor.
Listened To
Accidental Tech Podcast: 576: Quiet Little Leech
Bad Voltage: 3x65: Not Evenly Distributed
Congressional Dish: CD287: War Money
Connected: 491: Improper Work Attire
DTNS/Good Day Internet: Are We in A Dot-Com Bust? - Editor’s Desk
Focused: 198: Revisiting Journaling
Getting Things Done: 248: Workplace Challenges - Improvements
Issues, Etc.: 0584: Worshipping with the Church Triumphant – Pr. Andrew Packer
Issues, Etc.: 0612: This Week in Pop-Christianity: Joel Osteen on the Whispers of God – Pr. Chris Rosebrough
Just & Sinner: Luther’s Contribution of the Two Kinds of Righteousness
Late Night Linux: 270
Mac Power Users: 733: Our Favorite iPhone Apps
Mac Power Users: 734: I Got to Be the Hero
The Rebound: 484: What Breed Of Dog Is Biting Me?
The Talk Show With John Gruber: 396: ‘The Essence of Stealing’, With David Barnard