Weekly Notes 2024.02

2024-01-14 2 min read
  • Early in the week, I spent a little time to make my Mastodon account discoverable by searching for this domain.
  • This week’s office time was primarily devoted to preparation for our annual Winter Conference.
  • On Thursday, I cleaned up the post structure on this website, which accidentally led to me spamming my RSS feed with old posts.
  • Friday morning I woke up to the sounds of my battery backups all going off at 3a, due to the loss of power in my neighborhood (really the first time this has happened since I moved here). Thankfully, the local power company was able to find the issue and restore power by about 5:30a, and so I was able to go about the rest of my day as planned.
  • This weekend, in my free time, I’ve been playing some of Tavern Master and Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands, both on PC via the Steam store.
    • Tavern Master is a style of strategy game that I normally enjoy, though I’m currently finding it a bit tedious. We’ll see if I continue to play it or not…
    • Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands is an action game that is definitely outside of my normal gaming style, but it’s proving to be interesting so far. I expect that I’ll keep playing it occasionally.
  • This weekend also saw a cold snap to negative temperatures in the Midwest, along with some of the first real snow I’ve had to shovel this season. I’m happily staying indoors as much as I can.


Listened To

  • Mac Power Users: 726: Journaling Update: Apple’s New App, Day One Updates & More
  • Focused: 194: I’d Like to Take a Mulligan
  • Upgrade: 494: Copyright Violation Machine
  • The Omni Show: How Kourosh Dini Uses OmniFocus - Part 2
  • Dot Social: Moderation and Migration for a Better Social Web, with Fediverse Leader Tim Chambers
  • Linux Matters: 20: Unfold Your Coding Potential
  • Late Night Linux: 263
  • Connected: 484: The Rickies (January 2024)
  • The Rebound: 477: Brrreeeeoooooouuuuuuuggghhh
  • Clockwise: 536: Spay and Neuter Your Pets
  • We’re Not Wrong: About the Secretary of Defense Going Missing and DEI
  • It’s a Thing: 299: Smut Rising
  • Accidental Tech Podcast: 569: Do Grasshoppers Have Tongues?
