The Making Of...

2020-07-31 1 min read

Every once in a while, I get distracted watching a video that goes into detail on how something was made. Sometimes it’s a movie. At other times, it may be a piece of art, or maybe a video game.

Today was the former: the making of Frozen 2. Was I a huge fan of the movie itself? No. It had some good parts, but overall I was underwhelmed. However, I very much enjoyed the first part of the behind the scenes video that I watched, and I look forward to finishing out that set of videos when I have a chance.

Why watch it? For inspiration. For perspective. To see what goes into the things that I enjoy. I remember watching and re-watching the Lord of the Rings extras many years ago, and it had roughly the same effect on me: it caused me to look at the movie as not just entertainment, but as a grand work of art, and as a marvel to behold.

And you know what? Sometimes, in this world, I think that can be a good thing… to gain a new perspective, a new outlook on something.

I’m publishing this as part of 100 Days To Offload (Day 98/100). You can join in yourself by visiting