Weekly Notes 2025.01

2025-01-12 2 min read

I decided to try out weekly notes again this year, and attempt to find a happy balance between whatever caused me to avoid them by mid-ways through last year, and the alternative, which is going for months at a time without posting, if I’m not careful. πŸ˜‚

  • This was the first full week back at work after the holidays. I worked Jan 2/3 as well, but neither day felt particularly productive, as it was the first time seeing coworkers since before the break.
  • Jan 6 marked the 11 year anniversary of my website. I have some ideas for a blog post around recent changes, but it’s still on the back-burner.
  • Jan 7 marked my 20 year in-game anniversary for my oldest RuneScape 3 account. I don’t play very often anymore, but I logged in long enough to pick up my 20 year cape. πŸŽ‰
  • I got obsessed with planning out how to manage my photo library. I think I’ve settled on Immich as my primary location, with Backblaze backups, as it gives me better overall control than Synology, and allows me to store files locally. I like iCloud Photos in general, but I get annoyed at some of the behavior (especially around uploads), and I like having multiple copies of things I find important.
  • It’s snowed a few times, so I’ve added “shovel driveway” to my workout routine. πŸ˜‚

Happy New Year! πŸŽ‰

2024 Year in Review

2024-12-31 5 min read
I know that they say time flies by faster as we age, but this year I’ve noticed it to be true more than in recent memory! For my yearly review, I’m once again attempting to highlight major changes or areas of focus in my life, instead of doing a chronological review of the past year. Continue reading

Merry Christmas! πŸŽ„


Looks like an evening of gift wrapping ahead, with the Christmas stylings of Arthur Fiedler and the Boston Pops for accompaniment! 🎢

  • Steaming mug of coffee: β˜• β˜‘οΈ
  • Christmas lights on and twinkling: πŸŽ„ β˜‘οΈ
  • Run weekly server updates… ⏳

It’s completely normal to reread someone’s blog post and decide to write up a post of your own in response while sipping your morning coffee before work, right? πŸ€”

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